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Josh Moody

Josh Moody

...influential Eden Baptist Church in Cambridge, England; served as a missionary with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in the Republics of Georgia and Azerbaijan; and was president of the...

Standards of the Christian Life

...Colossians 3:8-12 | 1 Thessalonians 4:12 Deny self in submission to the sovereignty of Christ Matthew 16:24 | Romans 12:16 | Ephesians 4:1-3 | Philippians 2:3-4 Be a faithful steward...

Visit College Church

...there! Come and Discover Jesus, Grow in your Faith, and Impact the World! At 9:30AM and 11:15AM Online Viewing What to Wear Whether you’re comfortable in jeans or a suit,...

Grace Groups in this caring and confidential community. Grace Groups are designed for individuals and families to experience mental and emotional resilience as a community. Faith A Biblical story related to...


...minutes to the 5-21-2023 Annual Meeting; Electing board and committee members and other elected positions; Voting for the members to serve on the 2024-2025 Nominating Committee; Voting to approve Mathieson,...


...Commons Gym Various topics Biblical community mid-20s-mid-40s single/married/widowed/divorced Sundays 9:30AM Commons Hall Felipe Chamy, Jacob Samuel Raju Gospel of John Sundays 9:30AM Commons Hall James Seward Book of Hebrews Sundays...

Find Your Gifts

...uniquely equipped. 1. Print and complete the Traits Assessment 2. Ask several friends to complete the Friends Feedback Form 3. If you are training for ministry, ask several colleagues to...

New Homepage

...Prostitute Luke 7:36-50 Pastor Josh Moody Dinner from 302 Wheaton following the service in Commons Hall. All Church Gospel Now Event Thursday, October 10 7-8:30 p.m. in the Crossings Open...

Old Homepage

...| December 19, 2021 Celebrate the coming of Jesus with our STARS More Info Pastor Josh Moody Online Pray or share a request Open Opportunities July Shade Sunday | 10AM...

Sermon Library

...Authentic Christianity What Accords With Sound Doctrine Prophet of Hope Songs of Victory Passion Week 2022 Questions Comfort Comfort Walk in Christ Relationships The Gospel of Jesus The Church of...
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