Gather to grow in our biblical understanding and apply it to our lives
6:45PM | Wednesdays
Commons Hall
Men’s Bible Study begins Wednesday, September 11. Join us for our fall study in the Book of Philippians, a book that challenges Christians to remember their true identity as citizens of God’s kingdom, especially in difficult circumstances and painful trials.
To help us grasp the Apostle Paul’s gospel-centered exhortation to endurance, we will go through The Book of Philippians: One Mind in Christ by Ryan Kelly. Kelly’s guide explains the biblical text with clarity and passion, encouraging us to joyfully imitate Christ during hardship. The weekly study combines table discussion, teaching and fellowship. Light refreshments provided. Registration is required and space is limited. The registration cost is $10 for both semesters.
Serve in the Church
Boys’ Brigade
Wednesday nights during the school year, join a great group of elementary-age boys in the gym for games, Bible Study, and guys’ time.
Upward Sports
For basketball season, coach or assist a team of elementary-age aspiring basketball players in learning the game and applying Biblical truths to their lives.