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Welcome to Men’s Initiatives

Gather to grow in our biblical understanding and apply it to our lives

Men's Bible Study

6:45PM | Wednesdays
Commons Hall

Men’s Bible Study begins Wednesday, September 11. Join us for our fall study in the Book of Philippians, a book that challenges Christians to remember their true identity as citizens of God’s kingdom, especially in difficult circumstances and painful trials.

To help us grasp the Apostle Paul’s gospel-centered exhortation to endurance, we will go through The Book of Philippians: One Mind in Christ by Ryan Kelly. Kelly’s guide explains the biblical text with clarity and passion, encouraging us to joyfully imitate Christ during hardship. The weekly study combines table discussion, teaching and fellowship. Light refreshments provided. Registration is required and space is limited.  The registration cost is $10 for both semesters.

Men's Bible Study - Recordings

Serve in the Church

Boys' Brigade or Upward Sports

Boys’ Brigade

Wednesday nights during the school year, join a great group of elementary-age boys in the gym for games, Bible Study, and guys’ time.


Upward Sports

For basketball season, coach or assist a team of elementary-age aspiring basketball players in learning the game and applying Biblical truths to their lives.

Get Involved

Greet people or join the Usher team on Sunday mornings.  Volunteer once a month or more often at your favorite service time.  Arrive 20 minutes early.

Get Involved
Parking Team

Be part of the welcome team on Sunday mornings – direct people to open parking and help them get to services more quickly.

Volunteer once a month or more often, at your favorite service time.

Get Involved
Middle School or High School Small Group Leader

Make a different in a boy’s life and become a small group leader for Middle School or High School boys.

Partner with 2-3 other men and shepherd a group of 5-10 boys for weekly small groups for a season or a year.

Get Involved
STARS Ministry Team

Get to know the brightest STARS at College Church!  Join the STARS Ministry Team on Sunday mornings or Sunday or Wednesday evening.

Get Involved
Facilities Crew or Helping Hands Days

There are always jobs to do inside and outside on the church grounds.

Bring your skills and make a difference.

Helping Hands also cultivates a list of handyman chores that will help home-bound congregants.

Get Involved
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