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Protecting our Vulnerable

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.  Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” — Proverbs 31:8-9


College Church is an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention (ECAP).

Our objective is to shape our church culture so that we can prevent, recognize, and respond to abuse. If you have concerns about potential violations of the College Church Protection Policy, please send them to our Safeguarding Team for review.

A member of our Safeguarding Team will reach out to you within one working day
to address any potential violations of our College Church Protection Policy.

Safeguarding Team

John Seward, Safeguarding Team Leader

Cheryce Berg, Director of Children’s Ministries

Julie Clemens, Director of Disability Ministries

David Bea, Elder

Steve Ivester, Elder

Ian Smith, congregant

Laurie Smith, congregant

Christy Chiodras, administrative assistant

James Cook, designated Life Safety Team liaison

Training and Certification at College Church

College Church has zero tolerance for abuse. We are committed to being a church where children and STARS are provided a safe place to respond to the Gospel and grow in their faith.

Together, we are being equipped to prevent and respond to abuse in ways that honor the Lord and provide a light to world around us. 

Policy Communication and Training

In 2019 –

  • G.R.A.C.E. conducted on-site training for leaders and for the entire congregation.
  • The Safeguarding Team was established, consisting of two elders, three pastoral staff members, and two congregants.
  • A revised Protection Policy was distributed to the entire congregation.

Ongoing Policy Requirements –

  • Every ministry worker agrees to a background check before working within a ministry.  This background check is repeated every five years.
  • Every ministry worker is required to complete Mandated Reporter Training, in accordance with State of Illinois guidelines.
  • A minimum of two unrelated ministry workers are required to provide care in any ministry setting.

Read the Protection Policy for the complete set of guidelines.

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