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Current Giving: Week 42

YTD Budget     $8,219,577
YTD Actual     $7,815,551
Difference      ($404,026)

Read about Biblical Generosity in a booklet by Nancy Singer, Director of Administration and Finance.

Contact Nancy Singer with questions regarding church finances.

The vision of College Church is summarized in three words: “Proclaiming the Gospel.”
This higher purpose elevates and focuses all our activities.

We have identified five initiatives for the purpose of proclaiming the gospel.

Pathway. We will develop a simple invitational pathway for our gospel ministries: Discover Jesus, Grow in Your Faith and Impact the World. In 2024, we will continue developing that pathway by emphasizing and enhancing the “on ramps” to College Church in the following ways: 1) promoting Kids’ Harbor as one of the first impressions of College Church, 2) augmenting and strengthening our Front Door ministries, and 3) establishing a culture where our congregants willingly and effectively share our faith.

Community. We will cultivate care, encouragement, and connection in 2024 by: 1) calling a pastor focused in these areas, 2) establishing a permanent CARE team to support congregational care, 3) expanding elder prayer for each member of the church by name, and 4) identifying and training Small Group Coordinators to support all of our Small Group Leaders.

Discipleship. We will elevate biblically rigorous and practical discipleship by, in 2024: 1) emphasizing and encouraging a renewed focus on discipleship in the context of church family life, 2) providing additional resources for personal disciple making as well as improving awareness and accessibility to them, and 3) offering two churchwide seminars on matters of current importance for being faithful disciples in today’s world.

Campus. We will increasingly activate our campus by utilizing the Crossings as a crossover space to reach the community and for student, worship and family space, funded through a capital campaign launched in 2024, prioritizing safety and accessibility upgrades to our parking and other key areas, and studying the highest and best missional use for our portfolio of rental properties.

Partnerships. We will leverage the church’s history of church planting, training programs, and connections across the country and world by: 1) expanding the scope of our church planting efforts to include planting, strengthening and revitalizing, 2) hosting a prayer gathering for College Church members interested in this work, 3) exploring partnership with one new organizational partner, and 4) seeking to develop one new church partner in each category (planting, strengthening, revitalizing) by December 2024.

Our motivation for giving is all that God has given us in Christ Jesus.
“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you, by his poverty, might become rich.”
— 2 Corinthians 8:9

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