Boards and Committees
The Elder Council shepherds and oversees by guarding, guiding, and governing (1 Peter 5:1-5).
The Council is responsible for the general oversight of the church and for implementing and preserving the stated purpose of the church.
The Council, together with the pastors, are responsible for ministering to the members. These ministries include shepherding, governing, leading, preaching, teaching, disciplining, helping and praying for healing.
The Council oversees the pastoral staff of the church. The Boards of Deacons, Deaconesses and Missions shall be responsible to, and report directly to, the Council.
Brian Wildman ’26, Chair
Mark Bradley ’27, Vice-Chair
David Setran ’26, Secretary
Mark Berg ’25
Jay Cunningham ’28
Steve Ivester ’27
Randy Jahns ’28
Glenn Kosirog ’27
Jeff Oslund ‘25
Roger Sandberg ’25
Chad Thorson ’26
Dave Tweeten ’28
Josh Moody, Senior Pastor
The Board of Deacons serves by administering finance, mercy and facilities in a way that maximizes unity so that there is no distraction from the proclamation of the gospel (Acts 6:1-7)
This board’s responsibilities include business and administrative ministries: policies, financial personnel, offerings, preparation of the church budget, administration of the church budget, property, support staff and mercy ministries.
Bruce Bonga ’25, Chair
Joel Barnes ’26, Vice-Chair
Ryan June ’27, Secretary
Kolby Atchison ’25
Scott Bradley ’25
Jacob Frerichs ’27
Brad Hiben ’25
Robb Lemp ’26
Eric Odell ’26
Chip Sanders ’27
Jeff Sommars ’26
Tim Urbanowicz ’27
Nancy Singer, Pastoral Staff Liaison
The Board of Deaconesses oversees certain service and mercy ministries of the church. This board’s responsibilities include: administering the Care and Share (benevolence) fund, ministry to sick and bereaved and visitation.
Ann Lawrenz ’25, Chair
Julie Busteed ’26, Vice-Chair
Donna Aldridge ’27
Adrienne Cassel ’25
Becky Cook ’26
Courtney Graham ’25
Libby Newton ’25, Secretary
Jennie Nicodem ’26 (unexpired term)
Barb Nussbaum ’26
Liz Oster ’25
Gail Pflederer ’27
Carol Taylor ’27 (unexpired term)
Donna Teagle ’27
Jill Tweeten ’26
Miriam Warren ’27
Mindy Rynbrandt, Pastoral Staff Liaison
The Board of Missions oversees the missions program of the church. This Board’s responsibilities include: administering and coordinating the missions program of the church; stimulating the general interest and personal participation of the congregation in the missions program; approving or removing missionaries, mission agencies and mission ministries for church support and prayer.
Dave Oster ’25, Chair
Linda Wahr, 26, Treasurer
Bruce Aulie ’27
Grace Bliss ’26
Daniel Conroy ’27
Marilyn Enstrom ’25, VIce Chair
Marilyn Huffman ’25
John Luther ’26 (unexpired term)
Andrew Nelson ’25 (unexpired term)
Tom Nussbaum ’26
Mary Odell ’26
Nate Peterson ’27
Brian Picken ’27
Yousaf Sadiq ’26
Jon Smalley ’25 (unexpired term)
Curt Miller, Pastoral Staff Liaison
Works with the Service & Engagement Committee to develop and implement a biblical view of serving in the local church including planning, implementing and growing adult discipleship ministries, identifying and training leaders for small groups and Adult Communities and developing discipleship pathways.
Jeff Peltz ’27
Mike Walsh ’25 (unexpired term)
Kara Beth Vance ’26
Josh Maurer, Pastoral Staff Liaison
This committee encourages and equips the congregation to share the gospel and sponsors evangelistic services, events, and ministries.
As we seek to actively invest in transforming lives through the love of Christ, the work of the committee is also to foster collaboration with culture-impacting ministries both inside and outside of College Church, creating opportunities to serve together.
Paige Cunningham ’25, Chair
Brian Aldridge ’27
Mark Bodett ’25
Claire Cook ’27
Kat Haase ’26
Susan Krisch ’26 (unexpired term)
Sarah Lindquist ’26
Lisa McKenna ’27
Dave Sohmer ’25
Jim Johanik, Pastoral Staff Liaison
Chad Thorson, Elder Liaison
The Hospitality Committee coordinates activities to enhance the hospitality of the church for approved general church functions.
Shirley Sheppard ’25, Chair
Lisa Eckert ’25
Rebecca Fox ’26
Allison Kelley ’25
Catherine Kistler ’26
Yili Le ’25
Morgan Moxley ’25
Bethany Opdyke ’25
Kiersten Oslund ’26
Anna Joy Setran ’26
Sarah Volle ’26
Kaye Waugh ’26
Mindy Rynbrandt, Pastoral Staff Liaison
Works with the Evangelism and Culture Impact Committee to develop and implement a biblical view of serving in the local church, fostering a culture of service by engaging newcomers, members and regular attenders, and helping them find a place where their gifts and availability can be used to build the body of Christ.
Katie Nussbaum ’25, Chair
Karen Bagge ’26
Vicky Bailey ’27
Brockton Diebold ’27
Jonathan Larson ’25
Michael Thrasher ’26
Cheryce Berg, Pastoral Staff Liaison
Julie Clemens, Pastoral Staff Liaison
Josh Maurer, Pastoral Staff Liaison
Church Treasurer Ken Heulitt ‘25
Disabilities Superintendent (Sunday 11AM) Nathanael Strauch ’25
Disabilities Superintendent (Sunday 9:30AM) Dorothy Nicholson ‘26
Disabilities Superintendent (Wednesday Evening) Debbie VanDerMolen ‘27
Elementary Bible School Superintendent Christina Achziger ’25
Elementary Children’s Church Superintendent Nancy Chase ‘26
Financial Secretary Eric Enstrom ‘25
Librarian Lisa Kern ‘26
Midweek Evening Girls Superintendent Danika Kelly ’26
Midweek Evening Boys Superintendent Terry Van Someren ‘25
Midweek Morning Superintendent (Kids Korner) Suzanna Dickson ’26
Nursery Superintendent Suzy Yoder ’25
Preschool Bible School Superintendent Laura Swoboda ’26
Preschool Children’s Church Superintendent Kristie Smalley ’25
Recording Secretary Carol Schick ‘26
Each year, a Nominating Committee is elected by vote of church membership.
Members of this committee solicit nominations for open positions on each committee from church members. After prayer and due diligence, they recommend a slate of nominees.
Church membership votes on acceptance of these nominations.
2024-2025 Nominating Committee
Laurel Aulie, Susan Jahns, Micah Lindquist, James Cook and Elders Mark Berg and Dave Tweeten