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Mentoring Discipleship

If you attend College Church, we will aim to provide a Christian mentor for you to have a personal connection for spiritual growth. Many College Church people stand ready to come alongside.

Home Bible Study on Monday or Tuesday nights

Prayer Group on Friday nights

Sunday Evenings
6 - 7:30PM in the Crossings

Dinner, fellowship and exploring Biblical Christianity

January 26 – Foundations of Biblical Christianity

February 2 – Missions and Biblical Christianity

February 16 – Friendships, Dating and Relationships as a Biblical Christian

February 23 – Moral Relativism and Biblical Christianity

March 2 – Worship Night

March 23 – Mental Health and Biblical Christianity

March 30 – Identifying and Responding to Cults as a Biblical Christian

April 6 – Party with the Pastoral Staff

April 13 – Special Evening by College Associates

April 27 – Worship Night

Sundays at College Church

Sunday morning worship at College Church (8, 9:30 and 11AM) will focus on the Gospel of Matthew this year

Sunday evenings (5-6PM) “Let’s Gather”

After Hours meets Sunday evenings (6 – 7:30PM) in the Crossings

We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you have about our college ministry or College Church.

Get Plugged In!

We want to encourage you to plug into College Church. Here are some options:

College Men – There is a Compass meeting that happens on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. in The Crossings. Contact: Jim at [email protected].

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