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Elementary Programs

Children entering grades 1-5 in the fall will participate in the 9:30 Worship Service or Summer Forum with their families until they are dismissed as a group to gather in the Narthex for Summer Lighthouse.

Sunday Mornings
9:30AM Bible School

Please check the Kids’ Harbor Calendar for current info on children’s programming.

Annual Registration Weekly Emails

Sunday Morning

June 2 – August 4

The basic activity that defines the church is corporate worship. Children are part of the church body, and we want them to participate in worship with all members of the body, not just other children. We want to develop worshipers who are a part of the larger church family and who carry that value with them throughout their lives. Summer is a perfect time for this, and we will pivot back to our normal Sunday morning routine in the Fall.

Children entering 1st-5th grade will meet in Room 101 for Summer Lighthouse for a time of worship and Bible teaching.

Please check-in in the Narthex or at any kiosk before the 9:30 service.

Summer Crew VBS

Welcome to Breaker Rock Beach!

Kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. Adventure awaits each day as kids play games, make crafts, sing songs, eat snacks, and hear Bible stories that point them to the Immovable Rock, Jesus Christ.

Join the adventure. Sign up for one of the four weeks.  Cost is $10. If the week you’re looking for is full, please email us to get on the waitlist. Optional Sun Reveal Summer Crew t-shirts will be available for purchase for $10/each at the beginning of each week, while supplies last.

Open to children who are entering grades 1-5 in the fall.

Monday-Thursday | 1-3PM

Week One:  June 17-20
Week Two:  June 24-27
Week Three:  July 8-11
Week Four:  July 15-18


Summer Crew Adventure Days

These events are designed for you to bring a non-Christian friend, so invite someone today!

June 6 | 1 – 3 PM
All grades

Say “Hello!” to summer with us as we open our summer programs with a grand adventure!

June 11 | 1 – 3PM

Children entering 4th and 5th grade can join us for a special adventure day just for them!

July 1 | 1 – 3PM
1st-2nd Grade Water Day

July 2 | 1 – 3PM
3rd-5th Grade Water Day

Come prepared to get wet as we splash into this summer’s water adventure day!

July 23 | 1 – 3PM
All grades

Join us for our last adventure day of the summer as we day goodbye.

Scripture Memory Project

For the next year our church family will work to memorize a Scripture prayer each month as part of the Gospel Now Prayer Focus. In Kids’ Harbor, we will use our Dive for Treasure wall display in a new way by putting up a fish each time a kid memorizes one of the prayers.

Kids may show us that they memorized a prayer by recording a horizontal video of themselves reciting the verses and uploading it to our private Flip Group (please email Sarah Herr for the link). Once the video is approved, it will be visible to anyone who has also been approved to join our private group (other Kids’ Harbor families). We’ve created this group so that we can encourage each other as we memorize together. If you would prefer that your videos to stay completely private, you can instead email videos to Sarah Herr.

After you submit a video, have your child come down to the Hub on a Sunday morning and pick a prize out of our Treasure Chest. A special prize will be given to those who memorize all 12 passages. New Scripture + Prayer bookmarks will be available each month on the Parent Hub wall.

Learn about Profession of Faith

  • Baptism is a sign that I belong to Jesus and to his church
  • Baptism reminds me of God’s promises
  • Baptism is a command — something Jesus ordered me to do
  • Baptism is in the Bible
  • Baptism is not something that makes me a Christian
  • Baptism shows people outside of us that something very special has changed inside of us

Some children are baptized as babies because their parents believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and believe God makes promises to believers and to their children.  This is called “infant baptism”.

Some children are dedicated to God as babies and then baptized after they become a Christian by believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  This is called “believer’s baptism”.

Some children choose to be confirmed if they were baptized as babies.

Confirmation tells others, “I believe by faith that Jesus is my Lord and Savior.  I believe that the promises and blessings signified in my baptism are mine personally by trusting in Jesus.”

Confirmation reminds the church to help you serve Christ and to welcome you into the family of God.

Parent Guide
Request baptism

The Gospel Project Curriculum

This year, the Gospel Project supports our weekly lessons.  We have carefully selected a curriculum that is accessible to elementary-age students.

Download at-home resources to expand family discussions.

At Home Resources
Resources for Parents

Enjoy topical list of books and podcasts, curated by College Church’s Children’s Ministry leaders


Our Mission

Kids’ Harbor equips and emboldens families to walk as children of light.

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
— 2 Corinthians 4

For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Walk as children of light. — Ephesians 5

Our Vision

To become grace-redeemed children of God who shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life.

“that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life…”
— Philippians 2:15-16

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